What Happens in Vegas… | Converge Episode 004


003-EpisodeIf you made it out to WPPI in Las Vegas last week you no doubt came home having met a ton of new people and took in lots of new ideas and information.

Is it possible that you also came home feeling low despite all the things you learned and experienced? How is that possible??

Join me and my guest, Amanda Picone, as we tackle one caller’s question about feeling like a failure after WPPI.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this episode or, better yet, ask your own question that may be featured on a future episode of CONVERGE, just call 949-829-3263 and leave a message.

We’d love to hear from you!



  1. […] had on was talking about how she felt behind instead of motivated after attending WPPI. I’ll let you listen to find out exactly why she was feeling this way, but it has something to do with the most painful […]