Unwritten Rules for Professional Photographers | Converge Episode 002


Opened notebook and penTrack one guy’s honest question about full frame cameras to a deeper investigation around what it means to be a pro. I hope it helps you negotiate your own rules for working in this industry. There’s a cameo by estate wedding photographer Mike Larson too.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this episode or, better yet, ask your question that may be featured on a future episode of Converge, just call 949-829-3263 and leave a message. I’d love to hear from you.

Michael Houlden
Michael Houlden

Dane, what a great conversation. To add to Tim's question, I thought I would add that despite having a full closet of full frame gear, I have recently added a micro 4/3 kit. My desire is to significantly reduce the weight and bulk of my gear so that I can do MORE, go further, and thrill my clients even more. One of the things I had to overcome personally was the feeling that I wasn't going to be using "professional" equipment. I quickly realized that professional equipment is the equipment that let's you get the job done, and humping 30-40lbs of camera on my back while mountain biking just wasn't letting me get the job done.

danesanders moderator

Brilliant insight Michael. Couldn't agree more!


  1. […] amazing photos when you are starting out. If you don’t believe me, I recommend listening to this podcast from Dane Sanders. He discusses what is actually means to be pro and his guest has amazing insight into this […]