Reality Check with Grant Baldwin | Episode 020


What do you do when you realize life as you know it isn’t how you want to live your life? More specifically, what do you do when your career, that you may have spent years studying to earn a degree for, isn’t what you want to do for the rest of your life? Was earning that degree wasted time? What will your friends and family say if you completely change directions?

Author and speaker Grant Baldwin is all too familiar with the described scenario. He decided to leave a job with a steady paycheck in pursuit of something he enjoyed. And he choose to do it when he and his wife were expecting their first child.

In this episode of Converge Dane and Grant talk about freedom, the risk and fear (positive and negative) involved and how our past experiences set us up for the unique contribution we have to offer the world. If you are considering a career change or any significant life change and are struggling with fear and uncertainty about making the jump, take a listen to Dane and Grant’s conversation.

Also, check out Grant’s book Reality Check.

Thanks to Triple Scoop Music for providing the music for today’s show and thanks to our wonderful audio producer Anna Queza of AQreative.