A Pure Creative Place | Converge Episode 014


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Jen Adrion and Omar Noory call their creative business an accident, but is it really? In this episode Dane talks with Jen and Omar about their seeming haphazard beginnings, the success that has followed and how you can do the same.

Discover how they have made a living making the art they love. The kind that comes from that pure creative place that artists long to create from but often don’t because they fear it won’t pay the bills.

Hear how they ended up as a featured case study in Chris Guillebeau‘s $100 Start Up (Chris was also a past Converge guest by the way – worth a listen!) and have gone on to ship over 25K art prints over the last four years. In addition to the inspiration and resource they provide in this episode, be sure to check out their guide for artists, Designed to Sell, if you are a creative looking for how to make your way in the creative world.

Special thanks to Jen and Omar for joining us! If you want to reach out to them you can find them on Twitter @TheseAreThings and Facebook.

As always thanks to you, our listeners, for supporting the show by listening in, sharing with friends and leaving your comments and ratings on Fast Track Creative and iTunes.

Music provided by Triple Scoop Music.


Is this available on itune's Podcast app? I would love to be able to download it directly onto my iphone