The Power of Enthusiasm With Grant Spanier | Episode 025


GrantSpanierDo you know where you are right now? How about where you want to go with your creativity and your business?

Do you have what it takes to assert yourself in such a way to make that happen?

If hard work and sheer enthusiasm can get you where you want to go Grant is certainly a walking example. Writer, designer and entrepreneur, Grant Spanier, has accomplished at 23 what people twice his age aspire to.

In this episode Dane and Grant explore the power of enthusiasm as it relates to creative work. They talk about failure, knowing what you want and how to stay agile in your decision making. Grant even shares about his experience working with Seth Godin for two weeks. It involves tears, a cucumber and wise words from Seth.

If you enjoy this episode with Grant Spanier, be sure to check out his podcast 10,000 Hours Podcast. You can also find his writing on Medium (here’s the Living For Monday Article mentioned on the show), his design agency over at as well as follow him on Twitter.