Seth Godin: Is Photography Dead? | Converge Episode 012



There is no denying the creative landscape has changed and is continuing to change. The tools needed to create are available to anyone able to scrape up a few hundred dollars.

In this episode of Converge join Dane Sanders as he talks with marketing genius Seth Godin about what it takes to market yourself in a market that is not only saturated but in a world where your clients often have the same tools at their disposal as you do.

In addition, they explore how to battle the resistance we creatives often face when trying to seriously make a go of the business of creativity.


Hey Dane! I just wanted to say how much I appreciated this interview. I've been a luxury brand photographer for 6 years and have recently pivoted for some of the same reasons that both of you mentioned. There was a point where I was prepared to reinvent myself, but at the end of the day that path didn't align with who I had become as a person over the past few years.

I think that most artists (myself included) fall into the trap of trading their creative service for commissions in a limiting way. Wedding photography can sometimes be the type of business that will continue to demand your free time if systems and brand strategy is not implemented properly.

I was a little shortsighted in my path, put the blinders on, and convinced myself that if I worked hard enough that I would automatically be happy. That wasn't always the case. Now I'm following more of an entrepreneurial journey and am building a platform. My hope is to inspire others with what I've learned... just like you and Seth did here.

Thanks again!

Craig Carpenter


This is so good.  Applicable across all spectrums of the creative space.  

danesanders moderator

J!! You're the reason I met Seth in person for the first time. I tell that story all.the.time! Fun to think back to that man. Hope you're well.

J Sandifer
J Sandifer

Sick, so awesome to hear you talk with Seth again.  He has obviously thought about the wedding market since meeting and connecting with you back in the day! Thanks for bringing him into our world and allowing him a platform to express his opinions.